When your friend is adorable but says stupid stuff and likes to bully you for saying that chocolate reminds you of Diana
Damn it Nicholas you're such a water with bubbles
Ew stop acting gay John!
A toon that makes fun of the show Breaking Bad. They do this because everybody who likes the show Breaking Bad becomes creepily obsessed and always wants to talk about it. This was shown on Family Guy when Peter became hypnotized by the show. Breaking Bubbles is a comic which shows the characters of Breaking Bad as dumb.
Ted: Dude, did you see that episode of Breaking Bad last night?
Mike: No. I'm not obsessed with that show. Have you seen this picture of Breaking Bubbles?
Ted: That's not funny. Making fun of my TV show.
v. Violating Covid-19 social-distancing restrictions.
Plans for the weekend?
Nothing solid yet but I will be breaking bubbles. Plenty of bubbles.
When a woman has the flu, snot bubbles may occur, period bubbles, may also occur. A period bubble is when a red balloon emerges out of yer fanny while simultaneously having a cold and on your period.
Little girl: "Mommy! I just got my first period bubble (:!"
Mommy: "You are a period bubble."
During the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, ones friends and family are allowed to enter ones home or bubble, whilst still maintaing social distancing rules.
If I were to invite some friends around tonight, now that we are in level 2, are you ready for bubble penetration?
a delusional sector of feminine identity that shackles one to a state of delerion in by forcing feminism and rejecting any male interference once turns to a schizophrenic state and becomes they own man
that girl is stuck in a highsted bubble
a delusional sector of feminine identity that shackles one to state of delerion in by forcing feminism and rejecting any male interference once turns to a schizophrenic state and becomes they own man
that girl is stuck in her highsted bubble