A pirate shredder is when a female is performing oral sex with cap'n crunch in her mouth and when you ejaculate you scream swab the deck then continue to ejaculate blood all over her body as if she was being shot with cannon balls.
You : yo I was fucking lindsay lastnight and she gave me a pirate shredder.
Ya boi: yo for real?
You : yeah there was blood everywhere.
The art of carrying more then six hotdogs
I noticed my coworker leaving the cafeteria pirate wheeling towards the office
A penis that is crooked or bent in an in even way.
Wow Morgan really has a small pirate hook
Kind of stool that you go "arrghhh" when pushing out but when you look in the toilet they are gone, disappeared, vanished in troubled waters...
- Who just destroyed the toilet?
- I did, soz.
- Dude, must've been terrible looking. You should've taken a photo of it and sent it to Guiness records.
- I didn't get a chance, was a pirate ship poo...
Ladies, kiss him and pull his beard so he can't get away. With the other hand go for the bootie. When he screams thats pure gold!
We were making out until I gave him the screaming pirate.. Ive never heard a man squeal so delightfully!