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Dick Wrestle

Similar to an arm wrestle. Except both people grab onto one penis and try to get it on one side.

He told me I wasn't strong so I beat him in dick wrestle

by April 26, 2022


When somebody's nasty, cold attitude (usually over a particular subject) rears its ugly head. The attitude vaguely resembles their everyday demeanor, just with an additional extra butt-hurt manner due to hatred for the matter.

"Hey, Heather... Uncle Peter started becoming very dick-esque tonight when the Christmas music came on.. didn't he? He was all 'Well Fuck Christmas cause (sips wine) well you know it sucks with the people... (sips more wine) you know what I'm saying... fuck Christmas music. (sips wine).

by DoubleIsAcAt December 25, 2017

Dick Laportapottie

What happens when you cross premature ejaculation with a temporary toilet facility.

I was baning this bitch in the porta-john and I had to read the writing on the wall so I wouldn't have a Dick Laportapottie.

by pee-NuT November 8, 2007

Dick Cheese

The stuff you get on your penis after you dont wash it. Dick Cheese can also be used as an insult that will leave the enemy even more stupid than he was before.

It is also what Big Les calls Nordan in Season 3 Episode 7 of The Big Les Show.

Les: Hey Nordan... Nordan... Cum... Oi dickhead... Dick Cheese

Nordan: Oh my God, I hate this fucking town

by paul8m3 February 8, 2022

Dick cheese

It’s the stuff you smell on a dick when someone doesn’t wash it

Ethan: yo Peter what is that smell???

Peter: it might be my dick cheese I haven’t washed my dick in a week

by Dougle87 June 5, 2023

Dick cheese

That nasty shit you smell when someone doesn’t wash their dick.

People named Peter are most likely to have this

Ethan: yo Peter what the hell is that smell?

Peter: it’s probably my dick cheese, I haven’t washed my dick in a week

by Dougle87 June 5, 2023

Dick cheese

A misheard version of Fixies, a Russian CGI Kids show.

My daughter googled Dick cheese instead of Fixies on YouTube Kids.

by Simpson sLover69 March 8, 2022