A slight red neck despite not being southern. A complete fucking dickwad, openly closeted racist, uses the n-word hard r without joking, doesn’t actually hate blacks, really hate Jews
Dude, uganwae got really upset about what Jake grabowski said earlier
Eh it’s fine. It’s not like he’s a Jew or anything
Jake Byrne is a handome and he will kill u on minecraft I am that man
The bigger the house, the hotter the girl(s).
We should totally hit that house up tomorrow, don't forget: Jake's Law.
Two of the most powerful individuals. Basically two demi-gods roaming around the earth, that always finds a way to win.
I think Blake and Jake are sexy.
A short Ukrainian kid that is loved very much by anyone
guy who thinks he’s funny and wears sherpas.
HAHA funny one jake warren...
Some one whole sweat profusely while engaging in intercourse with a cat