Extension on Lit but with some extra Jam.
Hey Janet! your staff tea party is Lit Biscuits
A classy (or not) lady who habitates around the front of a boat. Typically scandalous, rarely seen fully dressed. They provide beverages and tacos for operators of the vessel.
Damn mo, check out the ol Bow Biscuit - shes got some miles on her.
a slang term for the perscription drug percocet. used when one desires to be discret about ones drug habits
"hey man do you know where I can score a Pr biscuit?"
Hey do you know biscuits sike from twitter?
Oh you mean that goated guy?
When two guys eat an Oreo at the same ti e from one end to the other.
Dude I could go for a sussy biscuit rn
A newly defined sexual orientation of 2021.
Someone who identifies as dark biscuit gender is usually firmly straight, but would dunk into the bi-zone if the person was hot enough.
Adam: I was straight when I was with Eve, but I went full dark biscuit when I met Paul, he's a silver fox.
To fumble the biscuit is to lose the money (the biscuit) you made or to make unwise investments with the money you already have, i.e. the biscuit. It's also used for fumbling, or botching or bungling, something more generally
Netflix won't exist in 3033 they're really fumbling the biscuit