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mango buddy

When someone likes mangos like you and all you talk about are mangos so that person is willing to talk all day about mangos

Mango buddy's for life.

by Just cuz July 4, 2017

ashley buddy

She is the thot of thots

Hi thot, we might as well just change the word to ashley buddy

by Fuckduckwhore January 11, 2020

Cuff Buddies

Were two people are buddies searching for people to cuff.

“ Hey, daisy and I are cuff buddies do you want to cuff?

by Yetetetete~ September 1, 2019

buddy lasagna

buddy lasagna is a term that @cuban_babyyy_ and @joshani_yy came up with.

buddy lasagna is lasagna that is made from a man’s private parts. it is then put into a meat grinder and then made as regular lasagna. so females if your man is cheating or just being dumb just make him some buddy lasagna using his wood and feed it to him.

we are the ceo’s!!!! before any of you bitches try to say you came up with it.

yeo im bout to feed this man some buddy lasagna

by suckyourmomhoe August 27, 2022

Bunt buddy

The person that helps stomp the liquids out the body’s head during Bunting (Bone Munting)

Hey, let’s go bunting you could be my Bunt Buddy

by Niggahater123999 May 20, 2024

Nutty buddies.

Two of the same in mindset.--Ignorant. Some live for dat.

Ignorance best friend is stupidity. Nutty Buddies.

by 3andme March 1, 2021

copping buddy

Someone you can get high with like if u smoke meth or heroin but u don't wanna do it alone because doing it alone feels scummy plus it's good to have someone there to hold u back if u go crazy so u both get high together and are copping buddies

"She's not my bitch were just copping buddys"

by MethKitty February 5, 2014