Pronounced am as in - "who am I ? "
This is music that is played on AM radio.
Forget those CD's and MP3's, I'm going old school listening to some AM jams.
The Jam Jar is a muscular and tubular part of the female genital tract, which in humans extends from the vulva to the uterus. The outer Jam Jar opening may be partly covered by a membrane called the hymen. At the deep end, the cervix (neck of the uterus) bulges into the Jam Jar. The Jam Jar allows for sexual intercourse and childbirth, and channels menstrual flow, which occurs periodically as part of the menstrual cycle.
"Ay Cookie Boy, get a load of that Jam Jar? Its toooight like a tooiger"
"I'm going to tear that jam jar a new lolly box."
A guy walks into an elevator and stands next to a beautiful woman. After a few minutes he turns to her and says, "can I smell your Jam Jar?" The woman looks at him in disgust and says, "certainly not!" "Hmmm," he replies. "It must be your feet then".
"Your Jam Jar should be called Jasmine, because it's always got Aladdin"
"How is a Jam Jar like a grapefruit? The best ones squirt when you eat them"
"Why is a Jam Jar just like the weather? When it's wet, it's time to go inside"
"What do Jam Jar's and screen doors have incommon? The more they get slammed the looser they get"
"I'm not saying she's a slut, but if her Jam Jar was a video game it would be rated E for Everyone"
Jam Jar translated in English = Jasmine.
faithybaby’s vagina
jam jar is an organ belonging to the current gf of ellie j ( soon to be ex )
what happens when you try to take off your pants without first removing your shoes
The deceased was found to have succumbed to slack jam while trying to dress for his friends wedding.
The jam scale is a method by which a song's quality may be determined subjectively, and ranges from 0-10. A song's jam rating is determined by several factors which themselves range from 0-10, and are averaged to achieve the final jam rating:
1. Verbal approval of the jam from the sample listening party.
2. Physical response to the jam (i.e. headbanging, toe-tapping, dancing, singing along, etc.)
3. Memorability/recognizability of the jam.
4. Broadness of the jam's appeal (e.g. a classical music fan headbanging to death metal).
5. The frequency of these responses based on repeated listening. A jam's rating may not be high at first, but may increase upon repeated exposure.
Due to the subjective nature of the jam scale, ratings can vary wildly from different sample groups. It is not recommended to pollute your own data with another group's, nor theirs with yours.
"Hey, I just found this sweet new track. I'd call it a 7-8 on the jam scale, but I'd have to get some numbers on that."
the jam used to toss someone’s salad in prison ifykyk
ayo don’t forget the strawberry jam