When you self-fellate, cum in your own mouth, then spit it in the air as you jump over a young child shouting "FREE WILLY" causing the cum to land on your own back as you do it
Last night I was bored of shagging Barbara so I decided to give myself the old "Free Willy" with her son Joseph.
It was amazing!
The act of a guy going pee without touching his willy.
"Yeah bro there was no soap in the restroom"
"What did you do then?"
"I went free willy"
When forward deployed during operation Cobra Gold, a Marine chooses to swim into the open ocean and whilst either frog kicking or back stroking begins to evacuate bowels into said body of water.
Hey cpl Marine is Free willying! What nasty little bandini piggy
When you are at an aquarium and you unzip your pants and put your balls upright on the glass and call out 'free willy' and see if any sea creatures come up and sniff and/or lick.
*un zips pants at aquarium* places balls upright on glass... ' FREE WILLY'
When you jerk off all over the place.
When friends ask why theres yellow stains on your wall " I Free Willy'd "
Taking a long shit whilst hovering over someone else’s dick
I was having the funniest conversation whilst Jasing on a Willi-ams the other day.
To have vigorous anal sex with a woman whilst she suffers from mass diarrhea, the woman proceeds to poop during the sex.the man then removed his member,and rubs it between her but cheecks.
She was just asking for the chilli willie eating all that Mexican food.