Rubbing your dick on a stomach and cumming on the upper lip to make a mustache
I’m gonna dry hump you so hard and give you a hot belly bubble stache.
A. When you're fucking a girl on her period and she queefs out a cum bubble.
B. When there is blood in your cum and someone takes your load in their mouth then blows a cum bubble like they had a wad of bubblious bubble gum in their mouth
A . All these bloody cum bubbles coming out of your vagina is making it look like Willie Wonka made a strawberry fizzy lifting drink.
.B. You better swallow that bloody cum bubble or you will stain my sheets or towels
preesh-tuh-nuh buhb-uhl
A group of people ≈10,000 pers. who think they are superior to everyone else. Socialize only within this group, have big egos, and think they have all the answers. Lack basic knowledge of the world outside their 2-3 km radius and how it works.
Prishtina Bubble pers. 1: shall we go to that coffee shop?
Prishtina Bubble pers. 2: No, not that one, its teeming with people from the country and the diaspora. We belong to the Prishtina Bubble elite.
Prishtina Bubble pers. 1: Yes I see, you're right, it's important we stay away from these people.
Prishtina Bubble pers. 2: If we are seen together with them we will lose our status.
A replacement for holy sh** but a kid friendly version when ur not allowed to cuss.
Boy: You passed your exam
Used as an insult or to describe your trapped bubble. Twat Bubble
BUH bul Iyd Be YUTCH (pronoun) A female or a sissified male with a horrid personality and prominent, bulbous eyes. Not to be confused with other varieties of the Bitch genus ie: Stupid Bitch, Cold hearted Bitch, Dirty Bitch etc. Bubble Eyed Bitches are distinctive in appearance, and the tendency to spit and talk at the same time, usually while finding the stupidest, pettiest, most harmless thing a person says, and taking offense to it. This disturbing tendency, coupled with their bug eyed appearance, makes The Bubble Eyed Bitch, one of the most despised form of Bitch in existence today.
A Bubble Eyed Bitch ruined our Church Picnic today because she thought no one ate her Potato Salad juts to insult her and the Pastor called 911.
When you load a dub or more of clear/crank/ice/crystalmethanfetamine (which could be multiple bowls) in a bubble to vaporize or otherwise smoke.
Yo Will, load that bag of bowls in a bubble
into that there bubble you fucking tweako