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Starting shit

People who for some reason love to create meaningless drama for others. This involves arguing about some issue that no one really cares about, or attacking someone personally for some minor wrong things that they do or some non-issue. Becomes even worse when the victim won't stand up for themselves.

People who do this shit are pretty low individuals and are the type of people that you see on the Jerry Springer show, have drug or alcohol problems, worship the tabloids, or are a commentator/"journalist" on Fox News.

A good example of starting shit is in Back to the Future.

Biff: I can't belive you'd loan me your car...without telling me it had a blind spot. I could have been killed.

George: Now, now biff, now, I never noticed that...the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi son.

Biff: What are you blind Mcfly. It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there.

George: Now biff, um, can I, can I *assume* that your insurance is going to pay for the damage.

Biff: My insurance? It's your car, your insurace should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this....I spilled beer all over when that car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill? And where's my reports?

George: Uh, well, I haven't finished those up yet. But ya know, I figured since they weren't due till' Monday.

Biff: Hello, anybody home, think Mcfly...think. I gotta have time to get them retyped. Do you realize what would happen if I turned in my reports in your handwriting? I'd get fired. You wouldn't want that to happen would ya'? Would ya'?

George: No Biff, of course not Biff, I wouldn't want that to happen. I'll finish those up tonight, and run em' on over first thing tomorrow all right.

Biff: Not too early, I sleep in Saturday. Hey Mcfly your shoes untied. Don't be so gullible Mcfly. You got the place fixed up nice though Mcfly. I have your car towed all the way to your house, and all you got for me is light beer? What are you looking at Butthead? Say hi to your mom for me.

George: I know what your gonna say son. And your right, your right. But Biff just happens to be my supervisor and I'm afraid i'm just not very good at confrontations.

by anonymous6812 January 23, 2009

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zombie shit

When you take a dump and flush it, but some or all of your turds come back up (back from the dead, hence the term "zombie shit").

Example: Dude, if you happen to take a zombie shit again, could you please flush a second time?

by CaptSaltyJack July 30, 2008

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Shit The Fuck

When something happens that is so unexpected, you just have no clue on what to say, so you say shit the fuck. It shows confusion, anger, and dismay.

I was playing my new copy of COD4 when suddenly, the image on the TV changed to some guy giving Oprah a titwash. Shit the fuck!

by leesoer May 21, 2009

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shit tickets

one uses to wipe with after going to the bathroom

Did you get the shit tickets because i got to go to the show

by Paula Esquivel November 21, 2007

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hit that shit

what to say when a person is taking too long to hit and pass the joint. its considered the proper thing to say

Man! Hit that shit or pass it!

by MarleyLives February 20, 2003

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shit burger

when everything that could go wrong does, and it happens all at once. the layers of shit just keep piling on up, and you're just gonna have to eat it.

if your' house burns down, you catch a cold, it's exam week, your mother goes to the hospital, and your best friend get's in a car wreck, you say, "I'm eating a huge shit burger with everything on it".

by wormy wino December 11, 2006

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Shit Fit

An extreme fit of anger or spazticness.
Normaly flailing of arms and screaming obsenities and people.

Dont Have A Fucking Shit Fit.
He Only Gone And Had A Shit Fit.
I only wiped shit in his ear when he was sleeping no need to take a shit fit

by Jay Clarkson December 26, 2005

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