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MTV Music Awards

A waste of time.

I'd rather watch paint dry than watch the MTV Music Awards.

by Jason Morgan October 28, 2003

343πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

kill-whitey music

The traditional, lyrically aggressive hip-hop sub-genre--dedicated to themes of violence, anarchy and social disruption; UNLIKE the current watered-down, lame-ass, mainstream dollar-driven verbal diarrhea...

Yo, you can't be playin' that kill-whitey music up in here; if bubba hears it, he gonna come kick some fuckin ass...

by YAWA April 14, 2019

39πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

high school musical

A cheesy take on the american high school teen movie, the sort of thing that plays on american teenager stereotypes. also seems to be very pro status quo (in america) its pretty shameless at its message really ie "stick to the stus quo" (part of the soundtrack)

high school musical - "if you wanna be cool follow one simple rule
dont mess with the flow oh nooo,
stick to the status quoooooo...."

idiot - hey cant argue with that, im gonna be a good boy and do all my homework and one day grow up to be a
scientist woooh.

someone else - learn to live.

by EtotheUAN November 27, 2007

199πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

High school musical

High school musical is a crappy Disney movie about a bunch of delusional teenagers that break out into song and dance randomly. The only people who enjoy this movie are those teeny boppers.

I fear for the future of our world. These high school musical-watching teeny boppers are going to become our future >_>

by HelloSabby February 10, 2009

97πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

whiny bitch music

An often-repetitive musical composition that features high-pitched vocals, pedestrian melodies, and juvenile subject matter. Lyrics usually revolve around First World Problems and clichΓ© romantic situations.

This form of music is obnoxious and irritating, held in poor regard by anyone who is not a whiny bitch (or trying to score with a whiny bitch). However, it is also widely-played on TV and radio stations due to its inoffensive nature and appeal to inbred, unwashed masses of knuckle-dragging imbeciles.

I like this girl in high school,
But she doesn't notice meeee.
Why is life so unfair?
This is such a travesty!

The other day I bought a lattΓ©,
It had two sugar packs, not three!
Could you walk a mile in my shoes,
It's just so hard being me!

- Whiny and the Bitches, 2004
From the Whiny Bitch Music LP

by Thursday_ July 25, 2014

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

High School Musical

The film that confirmed the destruction of the Disney everyone knew and loved.

Retarded middle schooler: OMG I luvvvv High Skool Musicleee it's awesomeeeeee <3 xxxxxxxxxx
Everyone Born before 1997: Shut the fuck up. High School Musical is a bucket of mouldy horse shit

*smacks in the face with Lion King VHS*

by Ninaroja February 15, 2012

26πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

high school musical

AN overly popular musical made by disney. I dont know who the people are who enjoy this junk, but they are literally sucking the giant corporate wang that is disney.

I cant go anywhere or watch anything without some stupid commercial with a bunch of eleven-teen year olds creaming themselves over how they want to meet the hip cast of high school musical.

Maybe im getting to old, and i just cant appreciate gay shows like i used too.

Commercial 1 " Enter for you chance to suck Corbins Penis!"

boy 1 "OH FUCK YEAH!"

girl 2 " HEZ SO HAWT!@!"



normal person " a bunch of fags singing?"

by Pugnap00 August 2, 2007

101πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž