Dump is a NY slang, used in the Bronx, NYC and Hralem. It's used by gangsters/rappers that are from the hood. They refer to killing somebody by "dumping the clip", it means emptying the clip. Basically, dumping (on) someone means killing them in different ways, usually with a gun.
I catch him (an opp) and I'm dumpin' the clip!
When a female can not find something in her purse, then procedes to turn it over and dump all the contents out.
I lost my lip gloss in my purse, so i had to do a purse dump
When you light your shit on fire in the toilet
I just let out a huge shit and lit it on fire, resulting in a fire dump!
When a man is ready to have anal sex because he has just expelled all the feces in his rectum.
I just took a full dump so if you want to get it on were safe from any accidents.