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post traumatic poop syndrome

1. The feeling one gets after a particularly painful poop that leaves one fearful of the poops to come.

2. The state of terror that one enters upon completing a fierce poop, knowing a second shall follow shortly after.

3. Flashbacks of a terrifying beer, taco,hot wing or dairy poop that influance what one consumes.

My assholes on fire, that shit gave me post traumatic poop syndrome I never want to crap again.

Every time I think about going to Hooters my post traumatic poop syndrome kicks in and I change my mind

by Vinnie the Drip December 13, 2009

61๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Post Traumatic Vaush Disorder

Having an unhealthy obsession over Leftist Youtuber Vaush as a result of getting owned by him in a debate. Most notoriuos people with PTVD are Sargon of Akkad and Stefan Molyneux.

Friend: Man Sargon of Akkad is obsessed with Vaush.

Me: I know. He has Post Traumatic Vaush Disorder.

by Sasha-Star May 30, 2020

145๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Post Ramones Syndrome (PRS)

Feeling suddenly sad and depressed because after you realize that your mindset of all the Ramones being alive fades away. (3 of them are dead; Joey, Dee Dee, and Johnny)

Friend: Why are you so sad today?
You: Ah, I'm suffering from Post Ramones Syndrome (PRS)

by Quazlo9 November 6, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

post 9/11 world

A political buzzphrase used as a rhetorical talking-point in a power-grabbing or liberty-destroying attempt to diminish or subvert the civil libertarian, responsible, and democratic character of a community, group, or society.

The honoring of civil liberty, presumption of innocence and good faith, privacy, and freedom of speech and expression cannot be tolerated because we live in a post 9/11 world.

by Esmith512 September 12, 2007

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Will i see my post?

Mabye, mabye not you'll never know

Will i see my post? =probably not

by Your mom โœŒ๏ธ February 2, 2022

Post Oak Middle School

Post Oak Middle School, a school in Spotsylvania Virginia where kids think you can get high off of snorting pixie sticks. Kids that go to Post Oak probably won't graduate and a majority of them have been held back multiple years. Ever wonder why the 6th grade boys have fully grown facial hair? Well now you know. Some of them are older then the 8th graders. Kids at this school are so stupid that they can't even pass a test when they're using a study guide with the exact questions and answers that are on the test. Occasionally, a 6th grader may arrive with a small bit of intelligence, but this is soon corrupted by the smell of e-cigarettes when entering the bathroom. The school tries to talk about how they're one of the best schools in the county when really they came in 6th place overall. 6th place out of 7? 6th place in what? If you're about to go to Post Oak Middle School, I wish you luck in your next 3 (or 5) years in hell.

"Why does your kid always keep an entire bag of pixie sticks with him?"

"He goes to Post Oak Middle School"

by failing chem March 11, 2022

Post Traumatic Shrek Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a disorder you get from seeing anything having to do with the "Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life" theme

Person 1: Hey have you looked up Shrek is Love on YouTube?
Person 2: Yes regrettably so it gave me PTSD, Post Traumatic Shrek Disorder

by Soulful_Gingee February 21, 2016