A bitch ass nigga is someone with no hoes, nobody likes them, and they're bitches.
The root of this word is Kaceyz.
" That man Kace is a bitch ass nigga "
its a word to describe a weak and unworthy person, used especially between black friends
He’s a bitch ass nigga bc he act like a bitch and don’t know how to treat a woman like a woman
A word where you use to describe an African-American individual with the person saying is an African-American individual
Carl! You're a bitch ass nigga
Someone who doesn’t play a lot of RPGs, some MMORPGs, talk shit, and hasn’t got in a few fights before. Also, has some characters, or monsters in RPGs, and MMORPGs that is below the level of 99, and 100 for monster-breeding games, and below level 100, 200, 255, etc. for characters in RPGs, and MMORPGs.
Michael: Hey Mark, I heard your bitchass doesn’t like to play RPGs you bitch ass nigga.
A person who cries like a bitch when they get pinched and they start crying or they think they are so fucking tough then they would cry so hard if even a 5 year old girl or boy hits them
Tough wannabe: im gonna beat your ass
Me: okay dude
Tough wannabe: don't tell me I warned you
Me: *pinches him*
Tough wannabe: cries like a bitch
Me: what a bitch ass nigga
A slackass, piss poor excuse of a man
Shits sitting down, dosen't eat crayons,has no foreskin and dont kiss his niggas gn
Blames all his downfalls on everyone else and excepts no responsability for his slackness.
Humphrey is such a bitch ass nigga, always fuckin' shit up.