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cupping the cuch

When the fire truck dont stop and you grab the cuch in a cup like fashion.

Bonus points if you slip one in.

Damn bro you just cup the cuch?

Bro I'm cupping the cuch rn.


by Duke4737 March 3, 2020

cup twin

When a friend becomes a best friend then a boyfriend from sending talking videos one night on snapchat with a cup down their top and shorts. The two people then might decide to call themselves cup twin.

Hey Cup twin
I love yoou Cup twin

by Dixiedust1336 May 6, 2019

Cup of queef

Just like a cup of cheese(which is when you fart, cup the fart in your hand, and lastly throw it into someone to know so that they smell it) but with a queef.

Dude that cup of queef smelled so bad!!!

by January 9, 2021

6ix cups

No one in toronto refer to the coffee place “tim hortons” they call it 6ixcups

Yo wagwan famo you tryna get 6ix cups?
Yute: ahlie crodi

by Snortaline June 12, 2023

cup of soda

Cup Of Soda is a queer cup of soda who sings in a corn maze.

person 1: hey have you heard of cup of sodas new album?
person 2: yes i love his new album called corn maze, probably his best work yet!

by (robin) nepeta solos July 15, 2023

Cup snatch

When a girl is as thin as a board and you can cup her pussy with a cupped hand

I was out last night and cup snatched Stacey

by Dick tug north May 21, 2022

Noodle Cup

When a woman inserts many cooked-warm noodles into her cooked noodles into her vagina and then proceeds to forward-cowgirl facesit her man or woman or other gender SO. This SO then begins to slurp up her pussy juices and the noodles all at once making for a delicious feast.

girl 1: “hey what did you do last night”
girl 2: “not much bra I was busy noodle cupping my man”

by FakSexySaxMan May 23, 2018