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Taste The Rainbow

When 1 person from each race is standing/sitting/hanging out in the same room.

Today I was able to taste the rainbow in my ap stats class.

by papibella December 29, 2022

Taste The Rainbow

When you climaxing and your cum is the consistency of the original skittles.

Person 1: Ta Ta Ta Taste The Rainbow

by YourSmall April 30, 2019

Rainbow mouth

Rainbow mouth means its literal term, someone with an open bite .

"That bitch suck her finger so much she gotta rainbow mouth"

by yahairapthesillyceilingfan May 6, 2024

Rainbow beam

A queer person’s secret weapon, a laser beam made up of all the colors of the rainbow. However the power to emit it must be found from within.

This homophobe was being an asshole so I blasted a rainbow beam at him

by Whythisword July 16, 2022

Tasting The Rainbow

Performing oral sex on someone who has eaten so much skittles that they came literal rainbow coloured semen. Oh also it tasted like skittles.

I was tasting the rainbow last night!

by Man of French January 18, 2021

Tasting the Rainbow

To engage in oral sex with a homosexual.

Buddy is tasting the rainbow.

by Hour to hour.notetonote May 2, 2024

rainbow flame

A high quality drug that only thic boys cans enjoy. When you smoke it, you will see sounds and smell colors. Side effects may include broken bones, extreme migraines, thic boyness, cancer, aids, becoming adopted, the ability to smell colors, and death

THIC BOY: Hey bro, U got sum more Rainbow Flame, its the shizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....(5 minutes later).............................
THIC BOY: (dEded to DeathS)

by Rainbow Flame Addict 69 November 7, 2017