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Harry Potter Syndrome

A syndrome someone who is vain, narcissistic, and full of their self often has. Characterized by thinking they're special and somehow very important compared to other "average" people. These people also always seem to get an unbelievable break in hard situations and always come up on top.

Susan: "I'm a Taurus."
Mark: "I'm a Gemini."
Emily: "I'm an Aquarius."
Clark: "I'm an Ophiuchus."
Mark: "What's that?"
Clark: "It's a special Zodiac sign, very few people know of it. Technically I'm a Sagittarius."
Mark: "Or more likely.. you TECHNICALLY have a case of Harry Potter Syndrome."


by VeoV January 25, 2009

16πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

hip hop harry

Hip Hop Harry is a children's show with a bear as the main character. The guy in the bear suit(actually more rat-looking) is the same asshole that played barney.
The show introduces children the ghetto lifestyle, therefore leading them to aim for a lower standard of living.
Another reason why parents should monitor what their kids watch.

Hip Hop Harry sucks!

by naknumm September 7, 2007

30πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Harry Potter

Looking for a book to change your life?
A book to make you laugh or cry?

A book that you will go a night without sleep just to read a little more?
A book that has you feeling for the characters?
A book that will teach you more then any website or paper will?
Thats Harry Potter....
This book series has brought together over thousands of people and changed their lives for the better. Its Love, Hope, Friendship, and after you have read it you will never look at life the same way again. <3 LONG LIVE HARRY POTTER!

Evie goes home with the seventh Harry Potter book...
at 3 a.m. Evies dad is awoken by what sounds like a dying animal...
Evie's dad goes into her room and finds her sobbing into her pillow " Its over its over.... MY LIFE IS OVER"

Evies dad asks what wrong and she responds " I finished the book"

by harrypotter7 October 21, 2011

6πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Harry James Potter

The person who hates people who pass him in the leaderboard, loves tea and IS NOT A SIMP OK?

Person one : Hey do you know Harry James Potter?
Person two: Yeah he is the gawm who hosts lots of tea and hates me for beating him in the lb
Person one: Why did you beat him? He deserves first place come on man!!
Person two: Who are you?
Person one: Im his alt

by Harry_Potter6688 June 12, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pulling a Harry Styles

To beat the absolute shit out of puberty

Girl 1: who’s that he’s hot
Girl 2: RYAN?
Girl 1: no, it can’t be
Girl 3: That fucker pulled a Harry Styles on us

Pulling a Harry styles (I have to add this)

by Slut4Harry;) February 4, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

pulling a jake harris

where he posts all over his social media accounts that he wants him to be taken somewhere specific and abbreviating that E.G:"anyone got space for whanga" usually someone will accept but wont tell him that he's actually got no space left till he's ready to go

he was pulling a jake harris

by AGS POWER PRANKS September 11, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Indian Harry Potter

My friend Akhil.

Dom: Akhil got new glasses, he looks like Indian Harry Potter.
Jimbow: Lmao

by DomEatsToblerone March 9, 2022

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