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Phone swap

Usually commented on videos/pictures of a couple saying their S/O most likely isn’t loyal.

‘Phone swap’ is when you swap phones with your S/O and go through their messages & socials.

A happy couple posts a video

Andrew: “Phone swap
Lisa: “phone swap😭”

by oceanbreeze<3 February 3, 2024

I got a new phone

She/He deleted your number - out of lack of attraction - so she/he has no idea who you are when you text her/him.

Who is this? I got a new phone and lost numbers.

by Georgiaboy1996 June 26, 2015

Urban Phone Book

noun; What people think Urban Dictionary is. They always put entries for names and not for other things, which is where the "phone book" thing comes to play.

Alice: Gawd, I hate all of these people thinking Urban Dictionary is somehow Urban Phone book.

by Kugeln March 18, 2019

Phone snipe

The action of getting caught across the classroom by the teacher with your phone out during class.

"Hey, why didn't you respond to my text?"
"Sorry, I got phone sniped by Mrs. Jones in English, and had to put my cell on her desk."

by fratts26 April 16, 2015

Phone Klutz

Somebody who is constantly butt dialing people, sending text messages to the wrong person, replying to the same text twice, not to mention they always drop it.

God, Lauren's such a phone klutz. She called me twice last night and each time i just heard the TV, she seriously needs to stop butt dialing people!

by Emmerr December 24, 2010

call off my phone

To leave some one alone. To forget the person. Not blow up someone’s phone with calls, notifications, messages, etcetera miss me

Guy: call off my phone girl.

Girl: why?
Guy: cause I’m done with you

by Nncmjo January 21, 2018

Juicy phone

A phone that becomes wet with face sweat after talking on it for extended periods of time.

I had a juicy phone again last night after talking to my girl for four hours.

by Chris / Kansasville/ Wisconsin March 27, 2017