-Somebody that an internet "community" disagrees with, e.g. about a game, the debate of genre vs art, the community's own grand selves vs someone with a particular criticism.
-Right-wing propagandists and manipulators.
-Somebody who deliberately provokes and uses confusion tactics and logical fallacies aplenty on the internet. Often and increasingly with a confused fake-moral ideology.
-It's strange how everything is perfect and better than life itself here except for those troll-topics.
-I'm not a troll, I was proving something to you about yourself, then you called me names. You are a troll. I am just very clever at argument and considerate about people who want to be exploited.
-That guy there is legit and has to be protected from a troll. I want to suck his dick for being so not-a-troll.
Definition 1- A single white male aging 6-85.
Definition 2-One who lives his life to make other people mad.
Definition 3-One who claims that mac computers are good.
Definition 4-The Westboro Baptist Church
Definition 5-French people voting socialist.
Definition 6- One who posts more than 5 definitions on urban dictionary. C: (JK)
Oh you're a democrat you must like " Osama Bin LadAN" Note that the troll misspelt words 2 troll.
Bully:Hey dude your face is ugly,can you eat a rat?
Me:LOL,are you kidding OR TROLLING?!
someone who tricks people (not scamming them) over the internet.
"Free coffee? You're trying to troll me right?"
Saying a sentence, or writing some sort of social media post just to get a rise out of everyone. Usually done for Facebook likes.
Brian Mate is the biggest troll in the world
An ugly skanky chick who hides under your bed and fucks your boyfriend when you leave and go to work.
Fuck did you hear about Monica's boyfriend? Yeah he was fucking the troll Emily.