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Tralala! In view, a trolling trite troll dons the trademarked troll-face and this troller, is a transcendent transactor traiking, traduced but not so tranquil through the tracts of the internet transfering thoughts to thoughtless minds, this travelling trawl, transposed behind a traced image is both a figment of the imagination and a trencherman for humanity. (blah blah blah) So let me simply add that it's my very good honour to meet you and you may call me "Troll".

troll: that video is fake and gay

by bfhjdjsdglhljdfsgjsdgjk May 10, 2012


an ugly person; a grouchy person.

Gee, that dame is a real troll. What's her problem?

by anonymous100001 December 31, 2011


You idiots all got this fucking wrong. The correct spelling of “internet troll” is actually TRAWLER. The term “troll” comes from TRAWLING FOR ARGUMENTS - like a fishing trawler. Fishing trawlers slowly drag bait or nets behind them and wait for fish to bite. Therefore; if someone leaves a comment on the internet as bait for an argument, they are “trawling” for an argument. Someone who practices trawling for arguments would therefore be coined a “TRAWLER”.

You people are idiots. The term is actually “trawler.”


Internet trawlers trawl social media for arguments (not troll)

by Youpeoleareidiots January 15, 2023


Troll is obsolete term for modern word chatnik (chatnick).

Troll: ''Trolling is a art.''
Person: ''You mean an art?''
Chatnik 1: ''You are such a troll!''
Chatnik 1 with different name: ''You are also troll!''

by Philip K. October 8, 2016


A sadistic moron who doesn't understand boundaries and confuses harassment with comedy.

Joseph recently began trolling a girl on Discord. She kept telling him to stop but he pushed onwards and sent more messages her way. Her reaction made him giggle so much; this was fun. He should do this more often.

by Bondelhyde May 2, 2023


-Somebody that an internet "community" disagrees with, e.g. about a game, the debate of genre vs art, the community's own grand selves vs someone with a particular criticism.

-Right-wing propagandists and manipulators.

-Somebody who deliberately provokes and uses confusion tactics and logical fallacies aplenty on the internet. Often and increasingly with a confused fake-moral ideology.

-It's strange how everything is perfect and better than life itself here except for those troll-topics.

-I'm not a troll, I was proving something to you about yourself, then you called me names. You are a troll. I am just very clever at argument and considerate about people who want to be exploited.

-That guy there is legit and has to be protected from a troll. I want to suck his dick for being so not-a-troll.

by felixh April 4, 2017


someone who tricks people (not scamming them) over the internet.

"Free coffee? You're trying to troll me right?"

by Double.A02 January 6, 2017