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You’ll know love when it hits you In The face.

β€œOh I have a feeling that I’ve never felt before, must be love”

by HENRY FRICKITT September 19, 2020

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A feeling extremely hard to understand. It can either make you very bold or way too shy. It also feels really nice at times.

I think I’m in love with him.

by I’m tired November 3, 2019

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love is when you have complete trust and peace and transparency with another that you care more about then yourself. you would communicate your live for them in a way they understand. some people feel love when you hangout with them. some people feel loved when you touch them. if you love someone you would never put them in an unsafe position and you would stop doing the things that hurt them. if you love someone you would never put yourself in a position to lose them. when you love someone you put their needs in front of yours.

love means having respect for that person to the point where you wouldn’t go off and hangout with the opposite gender because you are respecting the person that you are with.

love is stoping what you’re doing for them. love is showing that you care for them and want them to be okay.

if you love someone you wont go hangout with another girl/boy. if you really love someone you will not go cheat on them. And if there is ever a problem in the relationship it would be discussed without it getting worse. love also means that throught good and bad you’ll always stick together

people who love each other would do anything to make the other person happy and would help them through any tough tome in their life without leaving them

by b.r.o.k.e.n.πŸ’” February 22, 2020

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Ah love. Love is just a word, until someone (your soulmate) walks into your life and fills the word with meaning.

You or a friend of yours: Man.. I wanna find love..
You or the friend: you just need to find the right person

by Ahhahaahahaahahahahahahhhaahah July 8, 2020

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Love, Is very difficult to explain, for different people it means different things. So I will explain how I feel love.

Love is the feeling you get in your stomach every time that someone is around. It's the hope you get to spend the rest of your life with that person, to cherish every living moment of each other, to never let each -other go unless they are unhappy. When you are in love you know you cannot live without that person you absolutely deny to live or love again if they are not around anymore. You get over whelmed by how you feel until you get angry but you don't know why because you know you are so very happy to have found that person you love.

I love you to the end of the earth. I will never stop loving you until the day I die

by Dibs.Lovers June 17, 2019

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Jesus Christ is Love Himself. You don't know what love exactly is until you get to know Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

by Child of God :) August 11, 2021

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my definition of love is in depth. Be it friend or a lover, families; love is also eating your favourite food, or simply going to your favourite place. Love comes in daily things. In this world of hatred, love comes in between.

i love ice cream, and all its toppings

by Mingchen January 27, 2021

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