Source Code


A Christian blond and entitled female who purposefully pisses people the FUCK off and puts stores and any other market into lockdown. Here’s an example:

Karen:*enters store*
*code k alarm blares*
Store manager: Attention all personnel, Code K has been issued. Lock all doors and windows and seek cover immediately. Nobody is allowed to leave until lockdown has been lifted.

by Cryxal_Rxses April 28, 2022


A person, usually a white woman but the term in not exclusive, who berates employees of their favorite fast food restaurants and middle-class clothing stores. They can also be spotted in the wild during a fit of road rage, and they nest in suburban areas, where they often scream at their neighbor's kids for skateboarding in the culdesac. These screams can be heard from miles around, and they often make threats to call the police or sue an establishment. Karens often complain to city council, and they make a habit of asking to speak to a manager.

Karens are to be avoided at all costs, or videotaped and posted to social media for a good laugh. If encountered, Karens will avoid taking responsibility for their behavior. They are attracted to minivans, clearance sections, and they are often seen speaking to a manager. (Further research is needed on whether this relationship is mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic. We have a hypothesis this may be parasitic). They will become hostile towards music, skateboarders, and regular people doing their job.

Manager: We have to ask you to leave this restaurant please.

Karen: No I dont think so. They got me a small fry when I paid for a medium, I want a f%$king refund!

Manager: You also already ate them, so I can't give you a refund, Karen. The best I can do is give you the difference of what the cost is, that way you paid for the small fries you ate. I have your reciept, and your money. Please take it and go.

Karen: F%ck you and f%ck your job! I am never coming back here!

Manager(to coworker): Thank God for that! Make sure you get their order right next time so we dont have to do this again, okay?

Coworker: Yes sir, sorry about that. I offered to give Karen medium fries but she already ate the small ones and she was screaming at me and demanding you speak with her.

Manager: I know, its okay.

by kagenw01 November 4, 2021


Karen is easily one of the best person on the planet. Gentle, generous, welcoming and a lot of others good things even tho sometimes she's kinda wack ngl. A bit of a Twilight and Harry Potter fan. Possesses bad traits to compensate : Annoying, kinda capable of making a fuss about anything, sort of a teaser(be prepared) and cat lover. A being full of contrast, but possesses such a charm that most of the time that you wouldn't mind her flaws too much. Quite of a hard worker and skilled in many areas such as singing, piano and ukulele but not dancing. Pretty bad at pretending and can easily be spotted when she tries to hide her emotions. Lovely and adorable, definetely a woman of choice who deserves way more than a guacamole.

I love you Karen, you're the best.

by Mitt1800 November 22, 2021


Karen entered the English language from Danish, where it has been a short form of "Katherine" since medieval times. It proceeded from the Greek word Aikaterine, which is believed to mean "pure." It became popular in the English-speaking world in the 1940s. The name Karen was one of the top 10 names for girls born in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s, peaking as the third most popular girl's name in 1965. Due to its increasingly common derogatory use since 2017, the name has become significantly less popular in the United States in recent years.

Karen is a proper name and should not be used otherwise. When used as slang to mean "bad" or "vile", feelings of anger, hate, and sadistic amusement are evoked and directed toward anyone with this name. The derogatory use of the name Karen started as a joke in current pop culture but it has been perpetuated to the point that the popularity of the name is in decline and some people who were given this noble name at birth have legally changed their name due to the stigma that is now attached. That's no longer a joke.

Thank you for helping me, Karen.

by Celtic Woman1 May 6, 2023


A person, typically female that starts arguments online with random people and then reports their retorts.

"Man, this karen really came up on my post, throwing shade and attitude and then reported me for clapping back"

by PinkChibiMemes July 14, 2021


A crazy woman who yells at cashiers and wanting to speak to the manager.


by Pastelgirl August 10, 2022

Gramma Karen

A rotten, wretched old lady. Someone's grandmother who is way beyond expiration and/or should be put into a nursing home.

A nasty old woman who treats you like dirt.

Did you hear what that old woman said to me? Seriously, Gramma Karen?!

My boyfriend's Gramma Karen has it out for me. Every time I see her, she always has something rude to say.

by Amanda KKK P November 29, 2010