A somewhat attractive guy that likes to date Swedish girls.He is a good boyfriend and a good friend but he can be very very
Sam lightfoot come sit over here, ok are you Swedish? Oh yes, yes I am, ok
Top gun sam is the kind of guy who'll be famous in like 10 years. pulls everyone and their cousin, and is probably one of the coolest dudes you'll ever meet. he gives great advise but seems a little bit sad under the surface. and he has a MASSIVE HORSE COCK
"why do i feel so horny? oh, it must be top gun sam"
A Superior Being Soon To Be Studied By Science, Most Likely Gonna Replace The Word Awesome.
There is only one Tim Sam, so no examples are available.
Hey... Remember how you said "Der... Islam bad because they use God to slaughter people thinking that it 'Good' "? You see how the Jews are doing THAT EXACT THING by invoking the amalek and then slaughtering the Palestinians?
Hym "Hey, Sam... Is it different though? Is it different because it's retaliatory? I mean you could argue that it was retaliatory when the Muslims did it in direct response to invasion... Is it because they're only killing their out-group? Like, the Muslim were willing to kill 'their own people' and that is worse than just killing other people? How's that any different from 'civilian casualties?' Still just out-group = fine in-group + out-group = bad?"
A very attractive male. He has a good sense of humor, and can make anyone laugh.
Luke: Wow, Sam Widmaier is so cool. I want to be like him when I grow up
Sam is known to have the biggest weiner.
Everyone loves him sometimes but as you can tell sam is the man.
Remember that!!!
Kick ass Sam is back in town.
Sam the man
Another word for Snitch.
Calle the cops on me when they took me away he keyed my car. Bitch
Saw me at Walmart with a panicked look on his face drove off and called the cops.
Called the cops again at u know where snitchy sam. Ur a bitch. Never showed up at my house. It's ur responsibility now. Hope ya r happy
Hey Sam there's ur moms Dad
sam snitch: panicking I'm calling the cops