2018 is hear and 2019 is knocking on our door
We don't use "i need to take a shit" anymore
today we use "i need to take a adam, don't get us wrong you write it adam but you read it ADHAM
i need to take a adam fast! going to the bathroom again to take a adam
the biggest woman on this planet
"yooo! if you keep on eating that quarter pounder you're gonna end up like blooket adams!"
Adam Hauser: They playin soccer in my backyard
Everyone: I think I see Messi!
a mad little fucker that smokes the boolay
adam edgar he loves the skunk that mad cunt
Avraham's subordinate with 0 bitches
Yo is that an Adam Ramos sitting over there?
Meaning- Is that someone with negative woman in his life?