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Rebecca Black

Some annoying 13 girl who has managed to make an extremely popular, and terrible song, while making half the nation want to cut their ears off. I hate this bitch. And I'm pretty sure she gave my computer a virus when I played her fucking awful song.

Girl 1: Hey what day of the week is it?
Girl 2: It’s Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday.
Girl 1: Shut the fuck up before I strangle you, you stupid Rebecca Black fan....

by RealRecognizeReal12 March 25, 2011

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Rebecca Black

Our response to Justin Bieber. After Hannah Montana began ruining music, Canada sent us this faggot to destroy it further. In retaliation, we unleashed something that was so bad that it's screwing both of us.

Seriously, why is it that these fucking people with no talent make shit-tons of money, yet if I walk into a label and tell them I can sing, I get fucking laughed at? It's bullshit.

Dear USA,
After having suffered through years of torture at the hands of this "Hannah Montana", we are sending in our specialist on shitty music. His name is Justin Bieber.


Dear Canada,
I'll see your Bieber and raise you one singer whose worse than anything in existance. Say hello to Rebecca Black.
Love, the USA

Dear USA,
You win.

by uberhero117 November 4, 2011

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Black H

Black H means Black Tar Heroin, commonly used on CL when a junkie needs their fix.

"Stick me with Black H and I'll let you stick it wherever you want" -CL Hoe

by A Grownup October 14, 2013

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Black Jesus

Kaleb, the living embodiment of black jesus.

Bro you know that new kid Kaleb?
Of course look at him, he is Black Jesus.

by Real Black Jesus December 17, 2019

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Black Rat

Black rat is the slang for rum-cola, which is a popular alcoholic drink in Australia made by mixing local rum and coke. Most pre-mixed black rats are produced by big rum companies and are packaged in commercial bottles. Despite the boom of these pre-mixed black rats, there is nothing better than the labor of mixing your own Australian-distilled rum to some regular cola.

The most popular rums in Australia are the ones found in Queensland in the town of Bundaberg. Rums that are made by the town of Bundaberg are excellent for mixing, such as the rums from Waterview Distillery and Bundaberg Distillery.

Me and my mates are going to have 5 black rats, please.

by ev.mate September 25, 2013

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Black Beaver

A black person with large, long, teeth.

Someone call the BLACK BEAVER to chop this tree down.

by jumpymidget November 14, 2011

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Black LUEsday

The act of commiting mass LUEicide on Tuesday because a "Dutch people unite!" thread was retardedly deleted for "Flooding/Board Invasion."

by dj gs68 August 5, 2003

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