We call each other abbrviated names in English class, cause my teacher is dumb-shit and can't figure 'em out... HA HA!
8đź‘Ť 49đź‘Ž
When a group of young boys from Fort Collins High School jerk each other off and suck one another’s dick in the back of a school bus coming home from a baseball game.
did u hear about C team baseball?
178đź‘Ť 6đź‘Ž
When anally raped and the resulting tearing requires the victim to get stitches.
Bubba's gunna give you a jailhouse c-section.
When playing Starcraft, Novawar usually gets a jailhouse c-section.
534đź‘Ť 26đź‘Ž
when one's lips look of josh dun's. To explain how ones lips are viewed. In account to the forest fic.
A boy with bright blue hair and mocha eyes (and C major lips and blue-sky hands and tiger-growl teeth) stands up.
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When the IBM PC was first designed, it had no sound card, so the 'audible bell' character (ascii BEL or '\b') had to be linked to a tone emitted by the internal PC speaker. The designers chose C, and so a square-wave c emitted by a PC speaker is called a c-note.
The audible bell is typically used for indicating particular types of error conditions -- for instance, using backspace at the beginning of a line. It is occasionally abused by BASIC programmers, because of the 'BEEP' command (which emits a c-note). Audible bell characters are also printed during the BIOS setup routines on some older machines.
"I must have hung my vim session -- every key I press gives me a c note."
4đź‘Ť 21đź‘Ž
The world is an interesting place with changes and troubles to say the least. For many, the phenomenon of creation is based on religion and perhaps science for some. This story of creation has little to do with religion or science but has everything to do with an individual who has achieved every aspect of life. Michael C. Hall was the first man to walk on the rings of Saturn and the first actor and actress (because he is neither man or women but an element of the spiritual world) to play in a hit HBO series entitled “Dexter”. The character Dexter is based upon the real life of Michael C. Hall, no aspect of the series is written because camera crews film his life on a day-to-day base. He is renown for his creation of the band Journey and their hit song “Don’t Stop Believing” (which he wrote and composed as he brushed his teeth, always brush your teeth). His morning gristle is always fresh and he does not require a clean shave since his gristle is permanent at its current and ideal length. Michael C. Hall completes his morning exercise routine that consists of a brisk sprint to the Galapagos Islands, followed by a three-legged race to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago of Northern Canada that is situated in the Arctic Ocean on his own. The sweat that accumulates during this morning routine is collected and used to sustain the growth of the worlds Aloe plant supply. Michael C. Hall is the manliest man to walk the Earth and has an IQ of forever. It has been speculated that the cure for polio lies within Michael C. Hall’s blood, but it could never be proven, as it may possibly never be extracted for the reason that his skin is far too rugged for any needle or medical utensil to puncture, although in all likelihood this is indeed a fact. Whenever somebody asks the question “Why?”, Michael C. Hall is the only person on earth who can answer with “because” without being prompted for any further explanation. The Grand Canyon is actually not a canyon at all. After great controversy it was proven to be a gaping hole left by Michael C. Hall after he dug up enough sand to construct The Great Pyramids located in Egypt (which of course he built by hand in between tapings of his hit reality television biography, “Dexter”). “Michael C. Hall” is only Michael C. Hall’s full first name. His full name is “Michael C. Hall That Bad Son of a Bitch”, but to prevent poop boots (a mess), he recommends you call him by his first name only. Note: The following has been documented with confidence of authenticity.
Jon: Did you hear about that movie coming out next week?
Shaun: Yeah, the one that has to be projected on a solid sheet of diamond to be viewed.
Jon: Man, Michael C. Hall and Samuel L. Jackson are going to be something else.
629đź‘Ť 60đź‘Ž
Often spammed in twitch chat when the word transparent, doc, wife, cheating, etc. is mentioned in twitch chat. Makes fun of the fact dr. disrespect cheated on his wife.
"I have a little bit of an announcement" D OMEGALUL C.
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