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Masters Student Behaviour

Characterised in superficially sophisticated actions and attitudes evident in the way in which student acts or conducts oneself, particularly in social settings, mid day and early evening pursuits. Such, thereby envisioning themselves as evolved and trendy but making a point, particularly via dumping of film photos on instagram, of attempting to appear classier than their fellow Undergraduate Students wether actually doing a Masters or not. Typically exhibited by non-STEM students with an abundance of time on their hands.

Ben: Did you see Adam's Instagram post the other day? He was wearing a Tote Bag and vintage corduroy trousers in Hyndland to a Non-profit open Mic Night. He had one of those expensive IPA's too!

Ewan: That is pure Masters Student behaviour.

by bawthecat July 17, 2023

Discipline master

A specific person in a school which makes all student's life difficult, all students hate them as they are a total jerk, but we are too afraid to express it as they love to fuck students up.

"Hey! What is your dream job?"
"Discipline master"
"So you like being a pedophile?"
"Nope, child traumatizer and killer"

by Not saul peah June 30, 2021

Game master

a true god

our GM is the real MVP *happy tears*

Game master, a VIP

by Zael575 February 5, 2018

master commander

Being the best at something (i.e. relationships, games, dancing, singing, etc.)

John: Shoot the ball!
Ken: *shoots ball and makes basket* I AM THE MASTER COMMANDER! *pumps fist in air at sound of buzzer. Another game won*

by Eatmymastercomm January 7, 2018

master shake


“master shake is a member of the adult swim show, aqua teen hunger force!”

by December 26, 2023

Master Moose

Given to the highest rank of a person nicknamed Moose. This person is a great man in every way whether it’s sports, comedy or in the bedroom. It takes years to achieve the status of a Master Moose. Master Moose is typically a nickname for someone named Mustafah.

Hes been trying to hard to be a Master Moose. Maybe it’s because his name doesn’t have an H at the end!

by mosesmalone2424 November 23, 2021

Tung-Fu Master

When he goes sweet and low and beats that pussy up!!!!!

"Walter Denham" is the Tung-Fu Master because he master Barbara's pussy last night!!!!

by BkWd2022 July 3, 2022