When you seem to be making the right decisions based on the moment but all the results are running 'down wind' from other people spoiling the outcome.
An animal in the forest wants to be 'downwind' of its hunter so the hunter doesn't get a sniff of the prey.
All upwind are 'seen' by those downwind as the wind blows away from them.
"I went and spoke to an advisor about a superannuation investment but when I saved and deposited the amount-the savings went running down wind with the market collapse"
"I follow coaches advice and play wide reciver for the final play but the opposition always pre-interprets the play making me feel like I'm constantly running down wind"!
When you are correct but others think otherwise, you proceed to say "Run my route!" To prove that you are right
You don't believe me? Run my route!
Where you start running but soon realise you can't run as far as you think so you quickly slow back down to a walk and forget about running at all.
I began running, but then i had my mid run crisis and stopped running to catch my breath
Pirate monkey run is the most revolutionary invention since the atomic bomb. Everytime I play it it makes my wiener tingle
Pirate monkey run is a pirate monkey who runs past obstacles and gamingpro260 is number one in the world on the beach level
Two decibels louder/harder than a poes klap #poesklap . A slap administered by running at the recipient to maximise the effect of an open handed slap to the face.
My ex boss deserves a running fuck slap
Acting as if something good will definitely happen, without it happening yet, and then paying for such optimism.
Derived from football, where the wide receiver starts thinking about what he is going to do AFTER the catch, before the ball gets to him. Inevitably the wide receiver drops the ball.
I swore I was going to get an offer from that company I have been interviewing with, so I haven't done any work in days. The job fell through. I was running before the catch.