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El captain penis wrinkle

A tiffani homentowski, someone who is always sits in the zen position

Stop being such a El captain penis wrinkle

by Dr tippydick July 21, 2022

el hivo

Getting hiv from mexican slut lmao

That bitch gave me el hivo lol

by Stalin did nothing wrong November 29, 2018

Explicación para el Ale

When you explain something obvious to an oblivious person typically starting the explanation with that phrase

Person 1: wow I can’t believe this is happening

Person 2: Explicación para el Ale: well you shouldn’t because that was said during April 1st

by Armandoestebanquito April 16, 2024

el niño period

A natural phenomenon known as the El Niño Period occurs about 2-5 times a year and is a period that is significantly more painful than the person's usual periods. Symptoms such as cramps, irritability, stomach pains, mood swings, headaches, food cravings, bloating, and more are heightened in intensity and worse than they usually are. Like El Niño, these periods are an anomaly occurring at irregular intervals characterized by unpredictable acts and instilling fear in those nearby.

Mannnn, this is definitely an El Niño period! I'm so angry, I threatened to run over an old man with my shopping cart because he was blocking the cheez-its and I have NO RAGRETS.

by bingbingbongbong February 25, 2016

El Teras

It is big, wet and likes paksimad.

Look at Mimis. He has an El Teras.

by Shidfard November 20, 2021

el jolly

The adjective "el jolly" means "gleeful, harmless chaos that are committed in a playful & funny manner.".

When you shove a cookie into a child's mouth to shut him up, you're el jolly (or crazy, if you do this regardless of what the kid is talking.). In that meaning, then when your cat kicks a ball onto your face, then growls and jumps off the table, then it's el jolly.

"You killed three bandits in Red Dead Redemption 2 just by jumping on a bed and fallin' on them? That's el jolly. Now go make a celebration coffee."

by rettamitnA October 30, 2023

El stretch


What are Tae doing?
He’s doing el stretch

by Trash for bangtan September 21, 2018