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locked for gay

A term used by mods at TalkPark.net for stupid threads. Primarily restricted to the spam boards. Also known and commonly abbreviated as "l4g".

An example of a thread that would get L4G:

Content: IS A TURTLE :D

Mod response: LOCKED FOR GAY.

by Alex Yusupov July 12, 2009

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Ella Gay

Ella Gay Is A Gay Person Named Ella, Trust me here.


by SomeKidNamedDannyXD May 22, 2017

48πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

roblox is gay

used by true og roblox players, used to uncover roblox's true sexuality

RobloxUncle: I like my uncle..... in bed
Random player: o daymn shot hit homie roblox is gay

by Mr N Word Snitch February 21, 2019

104πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


1. Extreme narcissism, self-love, conceit.
2. Condition in which persons are literally in love with themselves and/or are primarily attracted to qualities in others that they themselves possess.
3. Mental state in which one's perception of reality is warped by self-obsession. The world exists only as a reflection of the self.

Also: One who places unusually high value on one's own opinions, appearance, and personality.

Paris Hilton is so self-gay she can't conceive of a guy who wouldn't want to sleep with her or a girl who wouldn't want to be her.

by Larissa and Adam November 16, 2005

73πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


1- Homosexual.

2- this word can reffer to anything negative about a person, it has nothing to do with his sexuality.

This word is the master key of insults.

" why did you hit me man? You're gay!"

" G.M.A. right there son! " (gayest man alive)

in french " Shit, Thierry pis Manu vous Γͺtes les pires gais, sans offense"

by grocerietime14 February 16, 2010

7πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

Big Gay

Also know as Fortnite players, Big gays are large homosexuals.

Person: I play Fortnite.
Me: ur a big gay lol

by Big Stale Meme November 13, 2018

60πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

gay by association

Also known as GBA, a common misconception among middle schoolers. It is the belief that hanging around gay people makes you gay, it's not a disease, you cant get it... now Cancero n the other hand...

Gay By Association is Gay...

by Keifer Jennings November 9, 2006

62πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž