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Froyo rape

Eating someone else's frozen yogurt (froyo) without their consent.

"You're eating my froyo? That's froyo rape!"

by SuperFude July 28, 2013

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Statutory rape

Consensual sex with a child.

If children really couldn't consent, outlawing statutory rape would be redundant to just regular rape laws.

by ApricotFields May 25, 2019

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coffee rape

What happens to your stomach when you have your morning coffee.

"That morning coffee raped my stomach and I had the biggest BM ever!"

by Greg McMuffin June 5, 2009

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Pack raped

This occurs when you pull out a pack of gum in front of a large group of people, and everyone takes a piece which leaves you with no more gum

Dude i pulled out my gum in class today and I got pack raped instantly

by Gumlessnig May 3, 2011

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Financial Rape

1. An unwilling commitment of money

2. When a person or persons loose your money

1. Hey man can u give me 2 dollars for a beer?
(Grumble) Fine.... Your lucky i don't call the cops and put u in jail for Financial Rape charges

2. Hey do you and your wife want to take a cruise to the Caribbean with us?

No I'm being financially raped by my bank right now, so I'm practically broke.

by Jerry Rude May 16, 2011

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Corporate Rape

Forced manipulation of a business or individual to give up rights to ownership or public use. .

Walmart taking over small businesses in communities is a good example of Corporate Rape. Small businesses can't compete with Walmart's low prices attained only through purchasing at high volume. Small businesses closes down, because they can't match the price. Walmart's ad campaigns manipulate the consumer into thinking they are doing something good by shopping at Walmart by saving money. Small business can't compete by sharing their side of the story. Consumers remain ingnorant. The people are manipulated into buying necessary items at Walmart, . The small business owners will probably file bankruptcy. The economical integrity of the town is is fragmented and cultural threads are frayed.

by Pegasis August 20, 2011

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Fame Rape

When a star uses their star power to take sexual advantage of overwhelmed star struck mortals.

After a Hall and Oats concert a big fan runs into Hall at the bar and the next thing ... you know fame rape ... rgrgrgrgrgggrrgr ...

by OatsTopBunk June 24, 2011

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