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sacked lunch

typically recited as a man's sweaty, drooping testicles.

oh my God its so hot outside. i can feel the sweat dripping off my sacked lunch.

by Balls_Across_Chin August 30, 2009

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sack them off

to be a complete penis n leave someone behind

she aint text me ill sack them off

by tom reynolds October 26, 2005

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Burlap Sack Dick

An uncircumcised penis.

" Went down the street the other day and sucked an old dudes dick for a 20 piece of crack so I could get high, and that nigga had a Burlap Sack Dick!"

by Tina Titt February 3, 2015

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Thumbing My Sack

The act of waiting for an indeterminate period of time in idle uselessness without any measure of solace, diversion, or escape.

Origin: Military, Oilfield, et al.

What do you think I've been doing all day? "Thumbing My Sack"?

I've been waiting on you for 5 days, I guess I can "Thumb My Sack" a few hours more.

by Blackrazor July 5, 2011

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two sack girl

When a girl is so unattractive that when you are sleeping with her both of you must wear a sack. Her to hide her face; him just in case hers falls off.

That girl is so hideous that she might just be a two sack girl

by DDubs November 23, 2015

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Mexican Hacky Sack

The act of fondling a man's salsa covered scrotal sack using only your feet, usually performed as foreplay.

"Dude that mexican chick we met last night gave me an awesome mexican hacky sack before she went down on me"
"Maria started her intimate night with her husband off right by whipping out the salsa and giving him a mexican hacky sack as foreplay"

by Anal-annihilator6969 September 24, 2015

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sad sack of shit

a simp with a shit ton of hโ€™s in his name, watches anime porn, listens to x, lil peep, and drake, is part of the academic super bowl, and eats dogs

damn, that sad sack of shit tried to talk, just leave

by meridian101 May 10, 2020

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