A girl/guy from a persons home town whom they "hook up" with in their home town when away from their current place of living (specifically in reference to returning to a parents home from college)
I'm going to home this weekend I hope my home town hero Samantha is there so we can slam
Making it passed third base but not fully hitting a home run. Dry humping/Just the tip
Michelle: Did you guys fuck yet?
Chloe: No, but we were running to home.
The most devastating of any yo or ur insults, possibly deadly
Tommy: hey Leo, Yo mum gay
Leo:Yo chromosomes got extra homes
Tommy:*ceases to exist*
protesting at a home football game against something you do not want to happen like the board and the manager staying and avoiding the sack or leaving the club so that is why fans protest at the home games
home protesting including the chants "we want our club back"
A Melodic and Harmonious Song by Peter Griffin and Glen Quagmire
Home Bowl, Home Bowl, You know just what I need.
Home Bowl, Home Bowl, Poop before my anus bleeds
Too drunk to drive so you put on koe wetzel drunk driving
How we getting home?
Koe will get you home
Homed is the cutest person you will ever meet. He is thoughtful and considerate, and THAT ASS is flawless! To be a Homed Is an honor which only the worthy can posess.
I love my Homed! He is so cute🥰