Fouling around while in a committed relationship is only allowed as long as it is with coworkers. This is considered a “team building” function and helps create trust, respect, and loyalty within a company.
“Dude did you hear Josh was banging Leslie from the mail room”
“Yea, it’s not cheating though due to the Austin Work Rule”
Popularized by James S. Murray in the famous hidden camera tv show Impractical Jokers. This was said during his punishment where he was forced to read strange lines from flash cards during a speech.
The phrase can also be shortened to, “it itches and it burns”. This is most commonly used as a response to being asked to do something.
Craig: Hey Phil, I need those papers on my desk by the end of the day.
Phil: But it itches and burns sooooo.
Phil: But it itches and burns but I still go to work every morninggggg.
In this situation it clearly displays that Phil doesn’t feel like doing those papers.
It itches and it burns but I still go to work every morning: A slang and informal way to tell someone that you do not want to do what they are telling you.
It ain't any of that liberal bullshit you fucking clown. And I'm not like the rest of you. I'm doing the working class bullshit AND there is an additional layer of getting robbed on to of that.
Hym "The Myth Of Hard Work is these piece of shit liberals trying to tell me that my contribution to society isn't enough and that they dictate to me when I get to stop working or how much money I can make or how easily and it's these retard conservatives thinking they a better than someone they are not better than."
A pilgrimage. Survive December without doing one day of work. Call in sick, make excuses, take holidays, whatever it takes.
I am currently doing No Work December.
Work that is discovered while original work is in progress and immediately takes priority over your original intent. Consequential work involves significantly more effort/time/resources than the original work required.
So I was painting the kitchen, when a chunk of the wall comes right off in my hand because hornets had built a nest and chewed right through the drywall. Luckily, the hornets weren't home, but I'm gonna have to get rid of the nest and patch the drywall before I can finish painting. Nothin' like consequential work, damn it!
A man who not only works hard on himself but works hard for others. All this work pays off in him being the cutest little guy.
Wow thats The hard working Seth James
tell me your goals and I’ll support you something we could work to😩 Is Another saying for:” I’m gay for you baby 😩”
tell me your goals and I’ll support you something we could work to😩