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Falafel my Waffle

1. When you masterbate with your hand

2. When you make a waffle out of falafel

Definition 1:
Me: Hey man! I'd just like to say I really like to Falafel my Waffle!

A random person on the street: You're weird.

Definition 2:
Next, you need to falafel some waffles

by Mackle Yew, Duke of Falafel November 13, 2018

Waffle :>

Fuck this little bitch :-)

Waffle :> is not cool

by Asherr99 August 21, 2020

Georgia Waffle House

When you pat yourself on the back, despite rattling on incoherently.

Biden gave himself a Georgia Waffle House after the debate last night

by McBossness June 28, 2024

Waffle iron

Something you call somebody when they won’t stop fucking waffling on about dumb shit

stop being such a waffle iron

by Eggsalad69 May 15, 2020


Someone who supposedly is a brave/strong person with "nerves and/or abs of steel", but who in reality totally wimps out and merely makes vague and indefinite remarks/excuses (i.e., "waffles") whenever a situation arises for him to actually assist/defend/protect someone or do anything else of any real use/effectiveness, especially in cases where his acting/intervening would risk offending others who are "important" to either him or others close to him.

Frustrated child: Anytime my parents are away, I'm always told to ask my Uncle John anytime I need help/advice with anything or to settle any disputes I may have with others, but he usually either claims to be too tired/busy or just smiles amusedly at my tearful complaining tirades and pretends not to understand what my problem is. What a waffle-iron!

by QuacksO June 9, 2018

Waffle iron

Someone who likes hearing themselves talk. These people will waffle on and on about things they know nothing about. See also: gobshite

Did you hear Jimmy talking about the game? What an absolute waffle iron.

by November 9, 2020

waffle iron

its a tool used to make waffles, contrary to the other definitions.

I use waffle irons to make waffles, what else would I do with them?

by TheBurningBox November 25, 2018