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desia walking eagle

The most Antisocial person and wants nothing to do with humanity.

desia walking eagle says...Fuck humanity.... and you.

by najdshbjhsdfgsdkjghjksdhclsdju January 11, 2017

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walk wit a waddle

its when u get ur leg ran over by ur drunk bro and u have a fucked off walk

i walk wit a waddle because i wanted some rock

by beezy teezy January 26, 2009

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theme park walk of shame

This is when you get in line for a ride at a theme park, yet towards the end of the queue your nerves take over, and you decide against it. Then you have to walk back through the crowd while they subtly intimidate and laugh at you, hence walk of shame.

I was gonna go on Colossus with a friend, but once we got to the end of the queue I pussied out and had to do the theme park walk of shame.

by Kempo September 6, 2006

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Money Talks, Bullshit Walks

Means that cheap talk will get you nowhere, while money will
persuade people to do as you like.

Money talks, bullshit walks, that is how life goes.

by J. Malik May 20, 2006

1209๐Ÿ‘ 249๐Ÿ‘Ž

Take a walk to Poo Park

Go for a shit/dump/crap.

Laurie: I got a real bad pain in my stomach.
David: Sounds like you need to take a walk to Poo Park buddy.

by mrhaddock October 23, 2015

Walking Down Knight Street

A euphemism for slutty behavior. The phrase comes from a story about a girl who went to her ex boyfriends house after the bar one night and when his new girlfriend showed up he kicked her out the back window and made her walk home.

If she keeps drinking like that she'll be "walking down Knight Street" by 10:00.

by BlueFalcon1 July 7, 2010

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taking his car for a walk

Person driving in front of you extremely slow.

Hey son, look at this guy taking his car for a walk

by Bob in Dubai November 21, 2010