A type of alternate universe where the characters sustain none of the original trauma in their storyline, but therefore undergo other traumas that are a result of the change in their stories.
For example, if Snow White hadn't bitten the apple, her story would change drastically and she'd experience different traumas.
"I just came up with a new Band-Aid AU for the events of the Five Nights At Freddy's movie!"
This is your run of the mill wedding ring. A mark of your proprietor. A constant reminder you are now beholden to another person.
How does that slave band feel on your finger.
Shiny band on your finger to show that you are Married.
Single friend: "Can i come over to the picnic"
Married friend: "No bro, only banded people allowed.
A guy posing as a piano player, guitarist,drummer, or another instrument.
The guy wished he had been naturally gifted music maker, but knew it wasn't his particular skill set. He would still claim it in public, even if it wasn't his instrument, since he was a band poser.
The Big Love Band, is an American pop band based in Connecticut. Formed in 2022, it is run by lead singer and creator Ethan Fiske. The band consist of; bassist Elijah David Atkins, drummer Jason "mcfidi" Alfidi, guitarist Aidhan Rogue, and pianist Ryan Papagelis.
"I am coming to the Big Love Band release party on November 19th at 8pm in Roxbury CT"