Another word for when you fail NNN in fortnite
Yo what’s up pro fortniter Pinapplez? You doing well in NNN?
A place where a terrible 'breaking' event took place in 1692B.C, marking it as a heartfelt landmark to many. The bus is about the place and not the people. The bus is not only a community but a gathering where the holy chippy chips will be indulged and dripped in sauce, vinegar and covered in salt. In ancient times three courageous warriors travel to this place to indulge in their holy chippy chips whilst putting on initiation music. After each session at the bus, the members get blessed with nicotine consumption.
Fellow companions, shall we go to thee bus.
When someone doesnt identify as a male or female or other genders they are a bus.
Bus................................ = sex hole
something you can fit in your ass (don't worry i've tried it before ;) lol)
martha: hey jimmy i bet you can't fit an entire bus up your ass!
jimmy: too bad i already did it HAHA
martha: WHAT THE FUCK!!!
When someone or something is so sus it doesnt deserve an s needing to be replaced with b
Oh mn ryan is really bus right now