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A city in NSW, Australia. It's the largest city in the Central Coast area. Deros, junkies, dealers, brothels, nightclubs, pubs and the rest of the scum that make up the lower class in society reside here. Best to take some kind of protection with you when coming from sydney, newcastle or melbourne as fuckwits there tend to glass, bash, stab and shoot each other over nothing. Stay away from the train stations in the area like woy woy, lisarow, niagara park, wyong etc after dark as your likely to get rolled, robbed or bashed for no reason...

Often driving you will pass masses of youths drinking on the streets and fighting coz "there's no good parties round" or because "its a monday". has the highest youth unemployment and crime rate in nsw per capita. unlike parts of sydney which are dominated by gangs of certain races, the whole coast is a mixed boiling pot of different backgrounds living off welfare payments, alcohol, weed and other drugs.

Close to some nicer areas like terrigal and avoca, its just gosford and its inner suburbs like wyoming, lisarow, niagara park, narara are where all the poor, unemployed and criminals live.

1. "Hey mate lets hit iggy's in gosford this fri, they've got mad hot chicks"

"no way, they'll probably stab us and roll us for our liqor"

by Cheque July 6, 2009

117๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


Aussie term for a very short skirt.
The town of Gosford is geographically close to The Entrance, hence the name.

"Oi Hank! Check out the Gosford on that stunna."

by dogboy1 May 29, 2008

33๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. the wannabe sydney of australia.

2. Appleby's favourite type of car

1. gosford is a hole!

2. go(s)ford!

by iota March 26, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gosford Handshake

Australian slang for when someone is stabbed at a train station.

Me mate Damo was just tryna' sling some durries up on the Cennie Coast, when outta nowhere, two lads gave him the ol' Gosford handshake and stole all of his shit.

by _RL_ December 25, 2020

Gosford Skirt

Named after the city of Gosford in Australia, which is just south of a place called 'The Entrance'. These skirts are so aptly named because the skirt is just below "The Entrance".

Check out how short he skirt is! Definately a Gosford Skirt.

by YouCantBeSerious05 July 4, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gosford Boots

"Fuck me boots" or "Come fuck me boots" are often referred to as Gosford boots. Gosford is a city on the north coast of NSW which is near a place called The Entrance.

She's got her Gosford boots on.
"Gosford boots? Why do you call them Gosford boots?"

Because it's close to The Entrance.

by donut44 May 10, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gosford skirt

Used to describe a very short skirt.

Slang from NSW, Australia. Mainly used in Sydney?
Gosford is a regional city/town in NSW that is just south of a town called "The Entrance". Therefore a Gosford skirt is one which is "close to The Entrance"

Check out the chick in the Gosford skirt!

by Fatma Joe July 3, 2004

64๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž