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work herpes

When you have an employee that flares up a few times a year, but you are helpless and can’t get rid of them because they’re related to an influential leader in the company.

Instead of running a competition for a new assistant I’ve been told Jim’s unreliable son will be my assistant… Jim fucked me, and now I have work herpes.

by AJB10129 November 23, 2023

No Work December

A pilgrimage. Survive December without doing one day of work. Call in sick, make excuses, take holidays, whatever it takes.

I am currently doing No Work December.

by Drocher November 4, 2022

consequential work

Work that is discovered while original work is in progress and immediately takes priority over your original intent. Consequential work involves significantly more effort/time/resources than the original work required.

So I was painting the kitchen, when a chunk of the wall comes right off in my hand because hornets had built a nest and chewed right through the drywall. Luckily, the hornets weren't home, but I'm gonna have to get rid of the nest and patch the drywall before I can finish painting. Nothin' like consequential work, damn it!

by Wolfeadr December 28, 2016

The hard working Seth James

A man who not only works hard on himself but works hard for others. All this work pays off in him being the cutest little guy.

Wow thats The hard working Seth James

by BennyBoyBennyBoy November 10, 2022

tell me your goals and I’ll support you something we could work to😩

tell me your goals and I’ll support you something we could work to😩 Is Another saying for:” I’m gay for you baby 😩”

tell me your goals and I’ll support you something we could work to😩

by Yessir2837 September 11, 2021

Jew Work

The idea of hiring someone to do a job and they feel they should be compensated far more than what the job would commonly pay.

"Yo Larry cut my lawn for a 10 bone" Naw fuck that give me 50 homie" What the fuck? Yo I ain't asking for jew work.

by Huevo Izquierdo November 10, 2019

Working Hard

Which has nothing to do with anything.

Hym "And this has nothing to do with whether or not I'm working hard enough. You want you to have a role in whether or not I suceed. You (proverbially) want me to have your permission to fuck your daughter. I didn't do the incest ritual properly so you are trying to prevent me from succeeding with lies of omission. That is all. That's all that's happening here. You're not an authority."

by Hym Iam August 2, 2024