A person who when in an argument quotes song lyrics to make themselves sound clever.
Ex 1: Will is such a song lyric ass nigga
Ex 2: when Will was arguing with josh he was being a song lyric ass nigga and quoting rap songs.
cole is a 5’4 scrawny bitch ass nigga. he is super skinny, jewish, and weighs under 100 pounds. he is a pebble in a world full of rocks, and skateboarders.
ang: cole broke my heart
nick: o dat bitch ass nigga cole?
ang: ye he a bitch fr
1)to shove a duck up your ass.
2) To say quack into someones ass hole
i order you to quack my ass
when a nigga be dumb or bogus .
man, you a banana head ass nigga
Having a close girl whom is not your girlfriend but close to family like a sister.
A girl best friend like a sister to you to whom you would lend a few hundred bones to help her in need.
Close enough to be fwb but are not that at the moment.
Unless she wants to use her cash or ass to repay the loan which she received from her brother from another Mother.
That girl alissa is close to like being family to a ton of friends. Yea she owes three hundred bones to her brother and she's ignoring him. Yea she knows the drill, it's cash or ass directly from me to her.
Friend 1 - hey bro isn't that alissa over there?
Me - yea bro thats her, she owes me some money and been dodging me
Friend 1- oh yea three Benjamin's right bro?
Me - exactly bro, she knows the drill and it's cash or ass and that's why she hasn't came around to pay me back.
Friend 1 - tag me in on the side
Me - yea bro I will tag you in on this cash or ass scrump session, paying for her debt with her ass!
Friend 1 - howbowdah? Cash her inside the bedroom?
Me - tag bro, you are in, paralyze her ass to where she cannot walk
Friend 1- absofuckinlutely bro! Bet!
Me - thots anonymous 901! howbowdah
Friend 1- she won't come back around us now will she?
Me - yea bro she will not know what hit her other than thinking to herself, damn I feel like I've been fucked, and can barely walk, after the cash or ass episode
Friend 1- how many episodes is there bro?
Me - as many as I want, getting my three hundred bones paid back one way or another! Howbowdah?
when a person in a relation half asses with the other. that person may act like they are interested but in all actuality only want them for sex, vulnerability, money, or to show off but when they don’t get their way there true colors show.
I’m so fucking tired of this half-ass connection with him.
I put in all this effort, attention, and patience just to have a half-ass connection with this nigga, fuck off.
An Ass-Hair Mullet is the hair thats located on a persons lower-back above the waistline or the "small" of the back. An Ass-Hair Mullet is when this patch of fur or body hair is pronounced, thick with growth, or is particularly volumous and impossible to conceal or ignore without grooming. Also known verbally as an Ass-Crack Mullet depedending on which region of USA this slang term is used.
Ex. Thomas has elected to not upgrade to the new office furniture the company has purchased for us since he has an ass-hair mullet so pelt-like, thick, and cushiony he has no need for an ergonomic desk chair with adjustable lumbar support.