Like committing murder, but only it just sounds catchier and is obviously more appealing to your average killer. It's also what your friends will want to do if you won't stop having one-on-one conversations on the group chat.
Friend 1: If you two don't shut up about smurfs I swear I'm gonna Kermit murder
Friend 2: But they're just so funny lmao
Friend 3: ikr lol smurfs
Friend 1: -grabs a shovel-
Friend 2 and 3: RUN
A semi-flacid erection derived from an act of violence.
He used to get murder boners, but after so many victims, he could only muster up a murder Harvey.
When you Jack-off on to the floor or street then stomp on it thus killing millions of innocent people!
Man, that guy was so fucked up He dropped his pants and committed a Step Murder!
One who comments on a facebook status with a random word, or stupid joke that no one understands or everyone hates, therefore causing other people the sudden urge not to comment on it. Usually this person is not liked by anyone on facebook, and in most cases real life.
Also see comment murder
Person 1 (Joe just posted "asdfhsadf" on my status.)
Person 2 (Wow he's such a friggen comment murderer)
A street name of drugs like opioids.
I got monkey,codiene and murder 8,which one do you prefer?.
When you get fucked by someones words and don't have anything else to say back to them
Person1: Wat's up how did the quarrel go with him?
Person2: I just got fucking Murdered by words he is too intelectual for me
A New York City slang term for a marijuana delivery service that uses motor vehicles to delivery the marijuana directly to its customers.
Nick: Do you want to pack a bowl?
Steve: We're out of weed.
Nick: Time to call the murder car.