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5th Grade

A time we wish not to remember

Everyone starts puberty and it sucks, the fsa was harder.
Bullyong gets worse

I hate 5th grade. I GOT BULLIED IN 5TH GRADE!

by SomeGuyOnlineCalledTodo June 20, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

3rd Grade

When you and two other friends fight about the same boy on a rock at recess then call him 3rd grade whenever you talk about him.

"Do you remember when we all used to like 3rd grade

by Raine1330 May 4, 2022

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

6th grade


Abby: Hey remember 6th grade?
Maddy: It was frikin hell.

by thatweirdoabby May 17, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

grade nigger

A person, place, or thing of substandard quality.

The blowjob your mother gave me last night was grade nigger.

My niece found out she was pregnant last week. I guess the condom i used was grade nigger. (See uncle-with-benefits)

by TheRealCheese December 31, 2016

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

seventh grade

Your first year of junior high and the most scary year of your life. The year that you are officially classified as a teenager. But you also act very awkward, start to mature or continue to act immature, and see how peoples personalities really are.

A: seventh grade was the most scary year of my life, but I saw who were my friends and who weren't.
B: same, I also started to look different.

by Niall.horan.93 February 4, 2014

19๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wanking grades

Wanking grades

20 grades in total for wanking after you do one grade you have to wait another day from trying the next
G1=30 seconds
G2=2 mins
G3=4 mins
G4=5 mins
G5= 10 mins
G6=20 mins
G7=30 mins
G8=40 mins
G9=50 mins
G10=1 hour
G11=2 hours
G12=3 hours
G13=4 hours
G14= 5 hours
G15=1 day
G16=1 week
G17=1 month
G18=1 year
G19=3 years
G20= For the rest of your life.
If you fail grade 20 you cant try again

Stephen= Hey dude i completed grade 19 yesterday.
Sam= But you were at school, how did you do that?
Stephen= I automatically wank in my pants, 3 years, the only way i can be stopped if i get hit in the bulls.
Sam= Im grade 18

Jack= You guys talking about Wanking grades
Both= Go away jack

by Stephencame2ndinthewankingcomp December 1, 2009

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13th grade

13 grade aka HACC aka Harrisburg Community College

Nick D. goes to Stanford and isn't smart enough for the 13th grade. So go back to wackin your pud cracka.

by snoopid December 12, 2003

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