Vagina that trances a man beyond reasonable thought and often causes irreparable damage
Swalwell got lost in Fang’s fang...
Fang is an admin of the entire circus. He isn't a clown or the circus, he's an asshole. that's it.
Fang my beloved
Slang for dogs. Usually refers to dog tooth.
A: Hey man,check out this fang I just bought from the store.He look mean,ain't he ?
B: Whatever man,as long as you keep that monster away from me then we are cool.
To throw or pass an object to someone.
"Hey Davo, fang us a cold beer would ya"
"Stevo, I dropped my pen, fang it over here"
"Fang us the footy"
Fanging means to Fangirl and Faint at the same time.
"I was fanging..."
"You really liked that character didnt you?"