Tochigi hime with full of dreams and hopes. Pretty, cute and beautiful , genius lyricist, plus savage queen but also a very passionate and hard working baby
A Honda Clone is a generic term describing a small engine produced in China that is reverse engineered from a Honda small engine. It is also sometimes called a "Chonda". These engines are growing in popularity because of the their cheap prices. The most popular Honda Clone is called the "Predator" engine, sold at Harbor Freight.
These engines can be found on anything from lawn mowers, generators, snow blowers, and pressure washers.
Although prices are low, their reputation in the small engine world has mixed views. The quality of the Chinese engines is not as good as Honda, and some have reported that that they have a 1/4 failure rate, i.e. a quarter of the engines produced are duds. Despite all this, it is a very popular with recreational vehicles such as go karts and mini bikes, mainly because they are much cheaper compared to the competition such as Honda or Briggs and Stratton.
"Oh, you have a Honda Clone on your mini bike?"
"Yeah. It only cost me $130 at Harbor Freight. It seems like everyone is putting Predator engines on everything nowadays."
"Wow. You sure can't beat that price. But I'll be honest. I feel that that those engines are a bit overrated."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well, you said it yourself! Everyone seems to be swapping the same exact engines on their machines. Doesn't that sound boring to you?"
"....well, you've got me there..."
A term for a man who provides free technical services (electronics, cars, carpentry, plumbing, home improvement, etc.) for a woman in the hopes of one day dating her. He is often seen pulling up to a woman's house in his Honda with his toolkit ready to help her out, hence the term. Harry Honda doesn't care though, in his mind performing acts of service is the only way to win a woman's affection.
That's the third time this week I've seen that Harry Honda guy parking in Stephanie's driveway. When is he going to learn she'll never date him, no matter how many times he fixes her plumbing?
Term used to refer to any pure breed sports car that was designed to race straight from the factory dealer. Usage implies that the person saying it has little respect for economy cars (and/or those that drive them) from the car manufacturer Honda that have had after-factory parts installed to make them fast enough to race.
Can also mean an economy car from a "rival" riceburner car manufacturer such as Mitsubishi or Subaru that has after-factory parts as well and can outperform their Honda counterpatrs.
Hearing what sounded like a go-cart having a heart-attack, Millie look out the passenger window to see a Honda Civic pull up to the light next to him. As it reved it's engine, he thought to himself "I teach you to mess with a Honda Killer like my Corvette Stingray here".
Andrew pulled up to the car meet in his Mitsubishi Eclipse, fresh from the paint shop with the words "HONDA KILLER" artistically branded into the hood.
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A honda civic is a car with much potential for all you v8 lovers. A civic may not produce as much horsepower as a v8 stock but who leaves their car stock? A turboed 1.6L Civic would spank a v8 even tho the v8 is still pushing more horsepower and torque. Honda engines are great because they are very small but can generate a shit load of horsepower so why don't you v8 lovers go look at a youtube video sometime and look at a Civic pushing 500 or 600hp and see if your "big time v8s" can keep up. And remember one thing, it doesn't matter how fast your car goes, it's how fast you can get it up there so the civic dominates in the quickness factor!
*200hp Honda Civic 12 sec car / 300hp v8 14 sec car
*v8 is a health drink and nothing better!
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In 1970 when it came out, it was ok, then it became a shitty little faggot car between 1984 and 2001. '97 and '99 were the worst years, however, they've looked nice since then. Now days, when ever you see a civic from the 90's, it tends to have a front bumper, driver door, hood, and fenders that don't fit and aren't the same color. Usually red BBS wheels, an exhaust mark on what's left of the rear bumper, and you can hear the muffler sound a mile away, literally.
A Honda Civic simply can't make it over a speedbump in my neighborhood, they bottom of the car would fall apart!
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A girl from the series Fruits Basket/Furuba/Furutsu Basketto. She encounters the Sohma family and learns there curse. Her mother died in a car crash months before she learned of it so she decided to live with her grandfather. When her grandfather decided to move with her cousins, Tohru lived in a tent until the Sohma's found out. She is caring, un-selfish, and bubbly. In my opinion, she is a borderline Mary-Sue. She feeds of peoples pity for her and wants to make 'friends' Yeah right. She softens EVERYONES hearts and makes EVERYONE end up liking her. Including Akito and Hiro!
"Kyou- ah, Sohma-kun, anou..."
"I couldn't do anything... I feel that I'm the cause of her death.
What she REALLY means:
"Mwahaha, they love me. Everyone does... except for those Yuki fangirls...
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