Something someone says with no intention of paying anyone back.
Mikey: "Alright David, here's your Triple Cheeseburger with Fries and a Coke. That's £12 total."
David: "I'll pay you when I get paid."
What you would say to a chihuahua to make them say owa owa. Originated from the dog Pudgy
Pudgywoke: Hey Pudgy, can I get an owa owa?
Pudgy: OWA OWA
Yeah, no, Alex you're doing a fine job but
Hym "You know how I get when it comes to Jordan I mean, he is being fucking ridiculous right now"
Question phrase requesting either an item, or a portion of an item. May also have sexual connotations.
1)"Yo man, can I get a piece a that donut?"
2)"Goddamn, can I get a piece of THAT."
A question asked a lot by teenagers that can't even take care of a hamster
guy 1: Hey man how do i get a girlfriend?
guy 2: I dunno man, talk to girls???
guy 1: I just don't know how to talk to girls, I even searched for advice on!
guy 2: bitch are you retarded
guy 1: wait... bizarre from D12!!!
bizarre from D12: suoper amn video i was in the back
0:i CoUlD gEt My InTeRnEt TaKeN iF i DoWnLoAd CoMpReSsEd ViDeO gAmEs
absolutely not. if u named ur kid this please legally change their name like this person is actually so ass like its horrendous like fucking gross like this thing is actually so ugly that lot looks like a failed science experiment that literal fucking rodents made and snuck onto earth. Like please even recantation cant even fix it
ew hari with an s at the end cs i dont wanna get exposed lmfaoooo is so ew
2👍 4👎