When an individual gets a cramp in one arm from excessive masturbation.
Tom: dad my arm really hurts.
Tom's dad: hmm must be jackers cramp
Tom: www shut up dad! You're embarrassing me I don't do that!
Jacking off masturbation
cracker jacker is an ambiguous term for POC who date/fuck white people
"She refuses to date other people of color, she must be a cracker jacker"
when a black person rips off a white person in a drug deal. he is a cracker jacker.
Don’t buy your weed from Jaquavious, he’s a straight cracker jacker.
Any minority, normally black people, who “jack” or steal purely or most enjoyably from white people.
He called Kamsni ugly god? That mothafucka should’ve known better, Kamani a real Cracker Jacker.
Jerking off with a large jacket or hoodie over your schlong. This can easily be done in public without having attention drawn to you.
Dude, my girlfriend gave me a Jacker Jacket at the movies last night.
A girl so pretty you don't mind if she steals food off your plate.
Dang man check out that girl, she's a real waffle jacker!