The name of an annoying little bitch that whines all the time, she's obsessed with animals, and is a dumb hoe.
Don't be a Mimi.
She thinks shes cool but not really. she is one of the bossyest people in the world. She is not very bright so she will cheat. she is very athletic but tens to like game/ winner or loser more than her friendships. she is very funny and loves to goof around. she thinks shes the hotest girl ever. she complanes about every thing.
Bob: did mimi copy of you
Joe: ya
A Mimi is a lying 13 year old, who has a crush on elder boys. Most Mimis lie about their age as well.
Have you heard about Victoria? People say that she's a Mimi.
Seems to be nice but is really fake. Try’s to keep up with every trend but fails. Most people dislike her because she is so fake.
She is the type of girl to have an aesthetic and she will have a kanken a vinyl player glossier makeup and be quite rich but tells everyone she is not.
I don’t like Mimi.
Ellie: Do you like my new Kanken, vinyl player and glossier makeup?
Jesus: DONT be like mimi.
the prettiest girl evaaa, my girlfriend🤎🤎
Did you know that mimi is the luckiest girl on earth? she has the best girlfriend😏
Mimi is a shy person but can also be a crackhead she will steal ur friend and she will also be cheap and ask for the change.
Mimi can you be normal for once