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momo siwa

slang for houses that are abandoned or no longer hold original value

person 2yo man you saw the house that got burned down yesterday?
person 2: ohhhh you mean momo siwa???
person3: yeahh exactly

by emperorpack2 August 19, 2022

Pokin’ the momo

A turn of phrase used to describe someone’s polite attempt to partake in an unfamiliar custom or tradition when it is clear the person is highly uncomfortable.

Alejandra: Steve, your mom looks like she’s really enjoying my niece’s Quinceañera!

Steve: Babe, my mom is a keen racist. She’s just pokin’ the momo until she gets to go home.

by Leftmarx April 13, 2018


stop promoting your tiktoks

momo..yaoyorozu is a tiktok account

by Pseuidaoo February 7, 2022

1👍 1👎

momo watanabe

wrestler girl with super awesome kicks, also secretly a gamer, has recently started wearing dark makeup and hanging out with the bad kids and beating up her old friends, shes one of the best

person 1: did you see the recent STARDOM show?
person 2: yea man those momo watanabe kicks were awesome

by EZ PZ April 26, 2022

Momo Face

When someone is asked a direct question and the response is delayed with a "deer in highlights glaze, blank expression" and followed by a delayed vocal reaction.

1. Juana Pepe gave me the Momo Face when I questioned her on the missing bananas.

2. Person #1: Do you know where we last left the Monkeys ?

Person #2: ( Momo Face ) Umm Dunno

by Juana Pepe & Princess Consula March 26, 2010

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dirty momo

When you stick your shlong between the Buttered toes of a man with 3 nipples and a vagina

Dude I heard he dirty Momo’d him on ACID

by Britishpap2984 April 16, 2020

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Wanna know what? This person/girl is ducking awesome and needs to be loved :)

Some person: hey do you know who momo..yaoyorozu on tiktok is?
Another person: yeah she/theyre the best!

by momo.. yaoyorozu May 16, 2021

5👍 5👎