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nigel sim disorder

a personality type consisting of the following traits
1. Thinks having long hair and tying it up makes him cool
2. Thinks being stupid and useless and lazy at studies is a personality
3. Loud and attention-seeking, sense of humor of a 12 year old
4. Perms his hair thinking it makes him cooler
5. Puts his entire life story in his instagram bio (schools, full name according to passport, one direction quote with rose emoji)

Wow did you guys see Ethan Wong got a perm the other day?
Yes, I think he has nigel sim disorder.

by bottleneckgf November 9, 2021

Nigel Farage


Makeshift Nigel Farage man

by KoolKid6996 March 22, 2022

2👍 2👎

nigel and molly

two lovers who roleplay over discord and act as anime characters, especially ones from their frontier anime Haikyuu. their worst enemy is rocco richardson.

omg i love seeing people being nigel and molly its so sweet

by travisscottnutslapper March 19, 2023

Nigel swoop

When you are doing your hair and it swoops typically used for long hair

Nigel you have that Nigel swoop going on

by Flynigelfly January 3, 2024

Colegio Nigel Matthew

Colegio Nigel Matthew or CNM for short is an Arubian school that uses the dutch education system, 90% of the people at this school are Fruity af

Morbius : yo do you go to Colegio Nigel Matthew

Mohammed : Yeah its pretty horrible here

by MassiveManBlalls December 12, 2022


a fortnite bot that spends his time lurking xbox servers, and enjoys activities such as skateboarding.

Matt: have u heard about james
John: ye heard he is a nigelous

by albert 3inst3in November 13, 2018


nigelism is when two men called Nigel meet up for coffee once a week for a nice cup of coffee and to eat each other's arse. This sacred event can only be crafted with two white men named Nigel.

Ahhhhhhh the Nigel's are at it again! Wish I could do some nigelism. Save some booty for the rest of us chaps!!

by 69Lilkidlover69 September 21, 2018